Hudson´s Choice & Franc Spangler

Scott Hudson makes a strong, strong studio debut with Myatts Field on Delusions Of Grandeur. Teaming up with Jimpster, who dons his Franc Spangler disguise.
Roots is an afrocentric 4 / 4 stomp – which combines cascades of kalimba, percussion, and steel pan tones with a chorus of ethereal Caribbean sirens – like a riff on Afefe Iku’s classic Mirror Dance.
That, would be praise enough, but it’s actually the two, slower, TB-303 driven tracks here that are the standouts. AcidMan is chunky and chugging, with not just Roland’s little silver box getting frisky. The song’s also windswept by Andrew Weatherall-esque sound effects, and altered state arcs of what might have once been guitar.
Its groove gathering complexity as it goes. Layers of keys leading to an eventual trippy breakdown and a brief filtered solo, while its slo-mo Sleezy D-like vocal speeds up and reveals itself to be the meditation mantra “Om namah shivaya.” Lending the tune a very latter day hippie, original Amnesiac / Shoomer edge.
The title track then builds from bongos and squelchy, prog-y bass, collecting details like castanet clicks and hand claps. Its centre stage, however, is stolen by some happy, happy sax. Its whispered refrain and buoyant beat summon something of Lola’s White Isle favourite, Wax The Van, and the tune’s crying out for an extended dub / mix.